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Showing posts from January, 2018

Interview with Billboard Magazine

Music blog D Unknoen interview with Ed Christman of Billboard Magazine- Gone were the days of flipping my own cassette or even having my new Walkman, which I played to the ground night and day, as a teenager, flipping my tapes for me, nor was the culture anymore to exist. Little did I believe, that it was actually possible, that it was actually going to happen. Then I came upon a new invention I was destined to try. It was the dawn of the portable Discman, SONY’s worst take on a supposed invention, and the beginning of the downfall of easy music listening; no, not of the elevator type, the other easy, the stress free easy, where everything played in your ears continuously, just the way you wanted it to. Digital music was the new era about to dawn itself unanimously, and this unfortunately led to the experiment of switching music listening formats to digital files and compact discs and lasers, were at hand. Gone were the days of replaceing your batteries once a week, even if you pla...

Close Up on Background Acting

Damian Forest Light Now obsolete are the days when an actor waiting to be discovered has to solely wait on line at an audition and hopes to get the part in order to work a little in the show business industry without an insider gig or some knowledge of how to make it on the foreground and making it at the same time. Holding a mic, or manning up on some lighting angle that is necessary and deemed by the hands and all the grips around you. It became a sport to submit yourself to casting companies to some background succeeds, and as I found out, the land of background acting has been the home, throughout all of history, belonged to literally, millions of people and millions have worked for pay, doing background work in the movies and on television. It was so easy, to get a job. I showed up in a suit and a manual of a wanna be high adventure blog I wrote while dramatizing issues and stories out in the far reaches of Northern California, added with my own illegal spin and a bunch of hoopla...

Persuasion and Advertising

Advertising in Commercialism May 2015 Abstract Advertising and Commercialism revolve around the ideology of persuasion; the act of convincing your customers to partake in your brand products and services venue. Those who recite a message through advertising often come into theories and regulations founded by society from the inspirations of Aristotle, an ancient philosopher who taught values in communication and theories of philosophy. The study and ethics of proper advertising and persuasion techniques in hopes of deriving a broader perspective concerning the purpose of ethical advertising and how it merges with the perception of ethical business practices by advertising brands. Companies like McDonald’s employ advertising methods used and encouraged by scholars and ad agencies today, but how many values are interpreted through McDonald’s merchandise and products and services? There is a brief conception that fast food restaurants are becoming more ethically accountable for their ow...


D Unknoen's Blogs Friday, January 26, 2018 Is it Really Californication or just a spin off of Ridiculousness? A bag at the grocery store will cost you ten cents and its paper. For years plastic bags supposedly suffocated fish but millions of trees were sacrificed within the State to produce paper bags which are supposedly better for the environment. The state of California ridicules both Independants not settling under Democratic taper and Republicans both. The letter of the law for most towns and counties require registration or detaining by deputies by every resident or anyone visiting for more than two weeks and Police have the right to stop someone on the basis of appearance and run identification because of personal preferance. The state mandated a legal secession on the up and coming 2018 from an actual place in the Union; establishing California as its own federal government with its own military and federal laws but it was mainly shut down when the underground news an...

Shore Soup Flies : Kitchen Corruption Style

Noone loves free food more than poor people or people in need. But what about when it is coated in harmful bacteria in kitchens crawling with mice and maggots and served to local residents near and far being told it is 'Organic'? That may be what has been happening at local food banks and soup kitchens, such as the 'Shore Soup Project' which started through volunteers several years ago during flooding of Hurricane Sandy. While the concept of giving food to the needy is great, many people are hesitant to put trust in supposed coalitions and soup kitchens that rely on public support, due to the overwhelming influx of extortion and money laundering of such orgnanizations who use left over food from donations, actual dumpsters, and maggot infested organic farms who dont believe in using pesticides in order to keep produce clear of vermin and larvae because it will harm the 'nutritional value' of the produce. Shore soup project has possibly been raking in literally...

The Affects of the 90s New Age Cult Movement through Books and Media

He who rules his own self is greater than he who captures a city. Bible Proverbs 16 Spiritual Books That Decieve Jacksonville - Its not only Government Officis who get to rule peoples minds and hearts while they ride around in limos these days. When you want to know who really affords to ride in limousines during the past twenty years you have to consider the following. Its amazing how many people will line up to become spiritualists joining New Age and Christian churches joining each of them and hiding it from the other. How many people who Follow the will of the Spirit and commit identity fraud in order to eat knowing that if they beg long enough God will forgive them. Must be because God is seperate from the person they thieved and so is independant of personal empathy or rembrance of their actions. How many people wrote books that decieved not only America but the world while they spoke ancient truths that were channeled from memory mind and realization of concepts that they...

Letter to Fox after Spec and Resume rejections

Email to Fox SENT TO ABC FOR FUN: is not a monitored email address. Comments or questions should be submitted via the "Contact ABC" link found at the bottom of the homepage. Original Message Follows: ------------------------ 1/19/2018 To Fox: (not the first time). Thank you for rejecting my resume for the second dozenth time. I am.qualified and able to handle a workload. By all means I can handle full cvil proceedings with an ok record write my own album format my own distributed novels and i write everyday. Im qualified in both film amd music. Thank you for not being an equal opportunity employer as far as im concerned. i sleep under bridges and write while your employees wish you were me. You should consider my application Im not paying more for work placement but i guess thats how the industry gets run. Who bribes and who blows an agent or an executive suit on their balcony. Thats a fire escape. Oil burners leak and get old. You dont...