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The Affects of the 90s New Age Cult Movement through Books and Media

He who rules his own self is greater than he who captures a city. Bible Proverbs 16 Spiritual Books That Decieve Jacksonville - Its not only Government Officis who get to rule peoples minds and hearts while they ride around in limos these days. When you want to know who really affords to ride in limousines during the past twenty years you have to consider the following. Its amazing how many people will line up to become spiritualists joining New Age and Christian churches joining each of them and hiding it from the other. How many people who Follow the will of the Spirit and commit identity fraud in order to eat knowing that if they beg long enough God will forgive them. Must be because God is seperate from the person they thieved and so is independant of personal empathy or rembrance of their actions. How many people wrote books that decieved not only America but the world while they spoke ancient truths that were channeled from memory mind and realization of concepts that they had yet to fully experience. People like David Icke, Drunvalo Melchizidek and Barabra Marciniak who wrote books followed by millions of people throughout the world to achieve personal enlightenment through a simultaneous spiritual and even telepathic interconnection with other people; not only ideally and metaphysically, but that which is experienced also in the physical and noticed and concured by the superconscious, subconscious, and also conscious mind in order to influence our lives supposedly for the better and the lives of everyone else around us. The problem is that different people neurophysically and psychically affect different energy and each energy and individuals energy have their own chemical makeup and their own way of stimulating the interconnected chemical pot that supposedly boils us all in stew together. What does not change is that different chemical componants create not only compounds of togetherness they create individual chemical reactions. When you get together with people you do not like it creates a negative reaction sometimes in your guts or your chest you feel things moving around. It is the chemical reactions within yourself that motivate you to feel repulsed, lash out or turn and cringe when you see someone who offsets your demeanor and the two of you do not mix. If you like someone you might know it and trust them but what if you do not realize or consider that they are pulling your leg and creating the impression that they are good for you or even to you? What do you care what others do behind your back as long as you can feel good about the chemical interactions and reactions taking place in your stomach right?. Most people have good intentions but there could be someone intentionally altering the energy of their minds in order to manipulate you and make you feel good about it. Different people soak themselves in ideas and ways to which they desire the freedom to change their own impressions they give off through the changes and progressions they feel in their personal energy. They do this through their psychology and how they think. They can altar situations using mind power practices such as creating intention and meditation which may enable people to access dark powers of spirituality that threaten, affect and even haunt other people. They do things intentionally in order to provoke you and it creates a chemical imbalance somewhere. So the same is with psychology and people getting together to communicate, work or socialize. Sometimes people who think differently have trouble getting along with one another. Different combinations of ideas or intentions tend to clash and there is communication problems. However teachers emerged in the late twentieth century who distributed books in book stores worldwide which earned millions of dollars in sales that were supposedly designed to curb the desire for cults and New Age material and disseminate the self defeat lurking in the readers psychology by instituting recognition of ancient principles of enlightenment designed to clear the mind by the offering of one self to the truth. These were coupled by books about the supposed truth of human conditioning and how it has blinded us from the truth coupled with the conditioning placed upon civilizations, governments, media and others who seek to keep us blind. The books were extensive and gained worldwide followers of truth seekers, mystics and conspiracy theorists and were often based on the supposed hidden truths found only in the texts of sometimes ancient secret societies. The spiritual practices of those who were known as spiritually autonomous through any and every faith of the ancient past and how those ways continued to be passed down only to the rich, the famous or rulers of todays world who often ensured that their offspring would hold positions of power and dominance as in the subjugation towards a king, monarch or ruling class. This elite was forever more educated more subtle and more domineering in its triumph of ruling over civilizations with power ingenuity and brilliance. These people gained the respect of their followers all the way from ancient times through the 21 st Century through the use of knowledge much of it based on early mysticism and idealized practices of spiritual or religious endeavor. However these books also described cultural and dark practices of these certain people in the elite or even in the greater universe. David Icke is a british author convinced after thirty years of reading conspiracy theories and occult works that the world is controlled by a single bloodline that controls capitolism and organizations in a way that is manipulated and subtly communist in nature, and is operated by those who rule the governments in America and also world wide; comparing the US to a diabolical corporation designed to brand itself in chains across the world filling us with 1000 calore meals that leave us fat and hungry. He could use to do some situps himself. However Icke does not stop there he goes on to say that the Kennedys and Rockefellers still own America and not only that they are best friends with Tony Blair and Frank Sinatra along with Bob Hope and Reagan and that together they form a cult of parasites that actually dress in garb and hold black magic ceremonies where they kill dogs cats and little children as sacrificial farm animals on an altar in Northern California in a place which does exist in Bohemian Grove in NAPA near Sonoma. Then it goes on to David Icke citing through hundreds of documented sources that these elite fascist Kennedys along with the Bushes and Clintons are sacrificing people breaking laws by practicing mind control and sexual abuse against victims tied up in basements and taught satanism directly by Bill Clinton George Bush AND Ted Kennedy. Thats not enough? Icke goes on to state that the reason these guys dressed in robes was to gather power from the heavens in the form of adrenaline in order to, get this, hold on, shapeshift themselves into actual lizards and lizard people standing 6 feet tall with tails and the whole nine! This power doesnt last though it runs out in a few hours and Bush is so good at it he can turn into one at will and turn back whenever he wants. David icke got his inspiration from a Conspiracy Theorist named Bill Cooper. Bill was an ex Naval Intelligence veteran who supposedly got some raw information was found out by his commanders and told a tale of how he was burned alive in his house by arsonists where by he lost both his legs for the information he was disseminating. Cooper was also supposedly shot dead by FBI agents whom he shot at while they pulled up in his driveway for no reason and they retaliated. The former tale turned out to be false despite the pictures of himself he published in his book Behold a Pale Horse. The book is filled with Bills findings which include the original MJ Files along with a copy of the Protocols of Zion which is an outline of how the Jews and Elite have plotted to rule the earth using an kutline that reminds me more of the Art of War against a governments own people and a story of a boy abducted by aliens named Jonathan May also some tales about MK Ultra. Bills supposedly is also not dead and has two legs and is walking around. It doesnt stop. The mystics took a million bucks each when they chimed in on behalf of Neale Donald Walshe and Conversations With God which was literally the biggest sham in mystical history. Neale was friends with the Dahnhak Korean Spy network in 1999. Bad move the Korean Taoists had people getting dehydrated and dying on retreats also forcing people into subliminal breath control while listening to conjured voices in meditation intentionally. However what about Drunvalo Melchizidek who was crowned a Melchizidek priest and was cited by the Bible itself supposedly , by some Freemasons who randomly showed up at his door and taught him energetic and spatial geometry controlled with his mind and steered through love. For thousands of dollars Drunvalo will show you how to create a reality that has the human body controlled by various geometric shapes you can percieve only in your mind and how it connects you with everyone and everything around us with Love and these geometries that spin around and can only enlighten us if we use the with Love that is cultivated through schizophrenia and meditation. Not only do the geometries spin around our bodies and create knowledge and Love through understanding and experience they teach the ancient truth Of God himself or herself and teach the Oneness with the Goddess who lives inside of the Earth and all of her people. The goddess makes appearances on the surface to followers similar to the groundhog at groundhog day in the mkddle of the desert to explain the state of himanity every so often and Drunvalo witnessed tbjs himself. The geometries also begin to spin so fast that when they speed up they speed beyond the speed of light and are able to actually fly and levitate up to hundreds of feet in the air and you can also take your body and mind and tanscend into other dimensions beyond the one we dwell in physically and experientially. If that is the case then how do we get back to this dimension? How do we leave and then come back by way of our new energy technology Drunvalo taught us about and still retain the ability to function in our daily lives? A Dahnhak American master who paid 8000 dollars for a two year course that certified her as an authentic Taoist master stated that she had beard of conferences where people practiced the Merkaba and literally went blind during meditation. This was exagerated that someones eye actuly flew across thw room during one of these spinning vehicle meditations of love and geometry. How does one attain the truths of this powerful knowledge and live day to day fruitfully. The answer is in the Bhagavad Gita the Indian religion of enlightenment that spawned Hinduism and relished in the Microcosmic Eye of the One and Only Godhead of a million names and a million arms. Barbara Marciniak also awarded Limousines for sales in the occult. She anchored the Plaeidians who are aliens from a distant star system a constellation known as the pleides who teach humbling truths to its followers that the universe does and does not agree with and tbey speak of the dangers of human reality and the importance of human experience and the value of actuality. Channeled through Marciniak they informed her followers that not all Plaidians were beings of light and that they and the other ruling races of the heavens were neutral in perspective and not to be trusted. SO Should I trust the Urantia book written in the 1900s and tells the ever scientific history of the Univere the Galaxy the Earth and The Life and Times of Jesus Christ in 2000 pages? Or should I go to the New Age church in Seattle to hear the weekly channling of the Ascended Masters who are all Saints in Catholicdom in front of a five foot quartz crystal? THE ANSWER IS IF ITS ON MESCALINE THEN THE ANSWER IS DEFINITELY YES. If not Dont Bother. 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