ECONOMIC Between the years of 2000 and 2008, music made a sharp decline in sales and distribution. In fact, album and music sales topped in 1999, with a whopping 260 million albums sold, but declined to 250 million albums sold in the year of 2000. Record Album sales continued to decline each year and hit a low in 2007 of 140 million albums sold, matching sales records of 1977 when sales began to make a steady incline. (Stop music theft, 2011) However these sales do not reflect digital downloads which increased the number to over 800 million in the year 2000 but then declined to a combined download and album sales total to just over 300 million in the year 2012. (Saving Country Music, 2012) In the UK, a survey of people between the ages of 12 and 74 years old have been accustomed to downloading music. However a figure of about 8 million people in the UK, have admitted to pirating music through illegal downloads off of the internet, which many claim to be destroying the pockets of recor...