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So, what a glorious month I have had. I was forced out of an amended complaint and filed my second one. I was forced out of a room in Staten Island and went to Ontario, my first visit to the land of factories and business parks. I won a few coins at the casino, high on moon rocks and drank some 10.00 beers in Niagara falls. I took some photos and then was forced out of my room in Ontario to spend all my winnings getting to Montreal and then having to leave because I was broke and walked out, 60 miles to Vermont. I was forced into custody at the border for not having a passport and the chick there, hotter than sin, working for Border Patrol gave me a case of gangrine, as cops often do, so now i have a bleeding and pussing finger to attend to ,,,,, oh no. I was forced into this town in Vermont that is filled with angry conservative liberal cheese heads who reminded me of amish people, who are less conservative, way too much. Or is the witnesses, I had an amish woman gaze at me over the trip and it was amusing for a second. I was forced into this campground i am staying off of Lake Champlain. I am probably going to Nor cal for a few weeks and then I dont know what I should do. I should probably go back to school and study Journalism. But other than losing two cook jobs and all my money and weed along with sanity, I lost the ability to not design a careful riddance of my adversary who is just some loser psychic who tries to control others and me along with the world and you know what else, I lost my grad classes and paid for half of my graduation, so I now have an MA in Communications. I wrote a new album while in ONtario, a long EP out next month so look out for Emcee D Unknoen 'Radiation Typhoon'. I also completed a new novel, The Calling Book Three: Light of A New Day Third Calling Book 3. I didn't get laid didnt' make out and didn't go to a massage parlor or strip club. I did however set up a meet with my favorite porn star and stripper for some time in the future and hopefully she will ride my cok. I watched Rosanne and got addicted, I fell in love with Dark Country music like Hank III and Steeldrivers, the Devil Makes Three and so on. I got rid of my baseball cards and my 80's Archie Comics in the village in NYC. I took up cigs again and went broke too. I took up not giving a shit and threatened the life of some telemarketers. I got into it with whoever i seen fit and I told my cousin who framed me to fuc off. I went to Boston, NYC and Canada and that is all I can ask for a month. Besides a hot meal and shower with a hot woman to cuddle with whom I never had the chance to do so before. A little secret about me I lost my virginity when I was 18 and have been abstinant since I was 19. so go figure. I edited my book Pirate Dunn for the harmony of it. Live Long download D Unknoen music #DUnknoenMC #MCUNknown #EmceeDunknoen #DamianLight #ThirdCAll #LOND #LightofaNewDay #DamianForestLIght #ForestLight #LightInc


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