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Whats Up with the Boy Scouts? Part II

Boy Scout leaders confess to all kinds of atrocities. Forcing kids into initiations forcing them into vows of silence. They force them to be quiet about issues they might have questions with. Such as going out to drink, writing up fake permission slips for fake service project weekends and camping trips, hanging out at the scoutmaster’s house, drinking alcohol with older scouts with the assistant scoutmasters with the scoutmaster watching him screw a hooker, have him watch them screw hookers and screwing hookers, watching ragged strippers dance to party music, smoking and selling crack rocks, that kind of thing. BSA has stringent policies against such behavior, but when it comes up they tend to bat a blind eye, unless you keep reporting it and you keep at it. They know nothing of the trauma they cause in other’s lives, in the way of the wind. They care little for the emotional disturbances they cause they care nothing for what the kids have to say. Boy scouts have all kinds of rituals, real and fake. Some involve dressing up like Indians and leading kids on an adventure to watch the medicine man and the chief proclaim the importance of initiation and ceremony to a bunch of dirty smelly youngsters who just want to go home. They force kids to stay awake all night tending camp fires, to look inside for answers to look deep within for ways to resolve self esteem careers and then yank it away when they think the kid is thinking for themselves. They dress up like Indians and sing chants, dancing Indian dances and tell everyone else in the organization it is a secret. They force prostitution sex and drugs into kids minds as well. Going on one of these journeys they are not allowed to ponder peyote, but they can smoke crack. They can believe in esoteric philosophy only if they believe in the teacher, who has no experience and sets them up for failure. The initiations range from burning their asses with cigars to walking a tight rope and building a bridge or an obstacle course a teepee while some other leader asks if its okay to jagg off with your cousin in the middle of the woods on a mickey. There is no way to further the pursuit of happiness when organizations like this come along. They pretended to be gay friendly until some gay leader wanted to join in order to look at little kids the wrong way an then it got overturned. They want girls to join in now, with statistical analyses set up in each unit as to how events of unwanted sexual advances have taken place, with no regard for what other people might derive. The leaders in BSA join with the intentions of making a difference but that quickly turns into a social circle owned by men approaching the 300 pound mark. They sit around goofing about cigars and playing with computers, watching actresses on large screen projectors and thinking they are ready to enjoy life to the utmost. They sit there and bark orders to youth leaders and demand the campsite remain clean that everyone follow a buddy and each has to earn merit badges. In the camps there are bears sniffing kids faces there are deer eating the garbage and deer ticks infecting the small percentage. There are falls and scrapes. One time when I was a kid some kid forgot to take his buddy tag off of the swimming board and when the water was cleared his tag was the only one left on. Which meant that he was in the water or somewhere in camp, and forgot to pull his tag off of the board while he got out of the water. His buddy had not seen him leave. All kids swimming must put their tags on a board with a buddy and the two share a circle and when they get out of the water they have to pull their tags off. They need to raise their hands when the lifeguard whistles and there is the count of ‘One Triple Two Doubles in the Swimmer’s area’ or ‘Four doubles one triple in the learner’s area” being screamed by the counting life guard. Any way the kid went back to the campsite before lunch left his buddy behind and went to sleep. When the board was cleared and his tag was left on the aquatics director called the office to have a drill , all of the leaders and troops with all of the kids give an exact count at the field of how many kids are present and if anyone is missing. Every unit reported ‘All present and accounted for sir’ except for one. One unit had a kid missing. The same unit the scout was that left his buddy tag. The same kid actually. So the lifeguards ran down and started diving for the kid. People were roaming the woods saying the guy’s name. screaming for him. About a half hour later the kid wakes up and wanders around wondering what was going on. He is bewildered when the entire camp of 500 people is combing the woods and the Sherrif department is called in with a bunch of dogs calling his name and the neighbors and rangers are lending a hand because the life guards are expending all of their energy on surface dives. The camp process is fragile. Anything can happen. Several time I stubbed my toe and got infected toenails and several times I was asked to work positions that are contracted to adults. There is a lot of contracted duties there. Kids asked to work 6 days a week with one night off, and are on duty from 7 AM until 9 PM for sometimes 0 pay, sometimes for 200 dollars a summer of 8 to 10 weeks forced to work maintenance forced to clean showers forced to build projects and made to participate in staff meetings, teach other kids all day as instructors and adults do the supervision. Kids do all of the teaching except with the guns, which are taught by NRA instructors who are adults. The assistants are kids though. There are camp wide competition games kids build catapults and have water balloon fights, there are scavenger hunts there are games like Clue when the kids try to find out who killed Johnny Scout in which area and with what kind of tool or weapon by running from area to area and gathering clues. A lot goes right with the program a lot goes wrong. There is fighting and there is esoteric secret philosophy practiced by leaders. There is Satanism and there is religion. Not all leaders practice things like abuse and Satanism but there is a remnant. Not all leaders drink with kids but it does happen. What is wrong with the drinking with the kids is not the manly teaching but the issue of sexual interaction, mickeying, drugs and the misuse and abuse of power as well as the effect of influence on their social and emotional lives. Kids are freaked out camp. One or two homesick youngsters spread like gonarreah through scouts campsites after a kegger. Morale is up and down. Solution almost always comes from a youth staff member they can emulate and identify with. They are the saviors working to all hours of the night doing inventory and cleaning campsites teaching merit badges and going on hikes. The world needs a scouting movement and it had a coed explorer program. Until 1995. Then all the explorer posts became specifically law enforcement oriented and that is where the other explorer posts got shut down and when the girls got thrown out of scouting. Not healthy. They need a coed program with the age requirements and not just a mess of knitting and basket weaving selling cookies and hanging out with the boys who smoke cigarettes widdle with knives and want to take up bake sales. What about architecture and engineering posts? Politician posts and government agent posts? What about sports posts? Not random isolation between young girls and old men. Important and something to think about.


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